Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstracts, IATRC Summer Symposium, Seville, Spain

Abstract submissions are due Friday, March 7, 2025

The 2025 International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium (IATRC) Summer Symposium will be held at the Eurostars Torre Sevilla in Seville, Spain, June 18-20, 2025, and will be held in an in-person-only format of participation.  The theme for the symposium is “Agricultural Productivity and Competitiveness in an Era of Policy Uncertainty.”  Sessions related, but not limited to the theme are being organized by Shawn Arita, Jason Grant, Ignacio Perez-Dominguez, and Christian Elleby. Hotel and registration deadlines will be sent to the IATRC membership in a separate notice once all the details with the hotel venue have been finalized.

Call for Abstract Presentations

The meeting will include: (i) a separate afternoon policy workshop on June 18th at JRC-Seville, and (ii) sessions to present individual research papers and organized multi-paper/panel discussions on June 19 and 20th, 2025. This memo serves as the first call for such papers and presentations.

  1. Individual Research Presentations

Paper presentations can be completed, work in progress, or research planning. These sessions include individual papers and provide an opportunity to report on research results or work in progress, present research plans for feedback, and discuss research priorities.

  1. Organized Multi-Paper/Panel Discussion Sessions 

Usually organized by one or two individuals, these sessions consist of one to four panel members or several paper presentations, followed by an open discussion/working format.

Submission Instructions:

Send a short abstract (one page or less) including title of presentation or organized session proposal and presenting author(s) and co-author names and affiliations to Jennifer Shelton, via e-mail at by Friday, March 7, 2025. Decisions on selected papers and organized sessions for presentation at the meeting will be made no later than Friday, March 21, 2025.