Annual meetings

December 8-10, 2024

Lago Mar Beach Resort & Club
1700 South Ocean Lane
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
In-person conference (no virtual option)



  • To: International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium Members and Other Interested Individuals
  • From: Jonathan Coleman, 2024 Annual Meeting Organizer
  • Subject: Call for Non-Theme Day Presentations and Organized Sessions

Proposals are due Friday, October 25, 2024

The 2024 Annual Meeting of the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium (IATRC) will be held at the beautiful Lago Mar Beach Resort in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, December 8-10, 2024, and will be held in an in-person-only format of participation.  The theme day topic for 2024 is “Sustainability and Agricultural Trade: Interplay between Climate Change and Trade of Agri-Food Products.”  Sessions related to the theme day are being organized by Annelies Deuss, Marcel Adenauer, Lee Ann Jackson, Sandro Steinbach, Jason Grant and Shawn Arita.

Call for Non-Theme Day Presentations and Organized Sessions

Beyond the theme day sessions, the meeting will include sessions to present individual research papers and organized multi-paper/panel discussions. This memo serves as the first call for such papers and presentations. We also seek volunteers to serve as Session Chairpersons or Moderators.

  1. Individual Research Presentations

Papers can be completed, work in progress, or research planning. These sessions include individual papers and provide an opportunity to report on research results or work in progress, present research plans for critique and feedback, and discuss research priorities.

  1. Organized Multi-Paper/Panel Discussion Sessions 

Usually organized by one or two individuals, these sessions consist of one to four panel members or several paper presentations, followed by an open discussion/working format. These sessions may be requested as plenary or concurrent.

  1. Business Meeting of IATRC Members

The Business Meeting will include planning future activities of the IATRC.

Submission Instructions:

Send a short abstract (one page or less) or paper and organized session proposals to Jonathan R. Coleman, via e-mail, by Friday, October 25, 2024. Decisions on selected papers and organized sessions for presentation at the meeting will be made no later than Friday, November 1, 2024. Please feel free to contact Jonathan Coleman with any questions.

* Be on the lookout for a separate call for travel funding for Ph.D. candidates who have recently completed or are nearing completion of a dissertation related to domestic or international markets and trade for presentation at the conference, and Ph.D. students who are working on international trade to receive a registration fee waiver and/or travel support. These awards are conditional on IATRC receiving additional funds to promote the work of graduate students.       

Jonathan R. Coleman

U.S. International Trade Commission
500 E Street, SW
Washington, DC 20436